“Workplace violence is the threatened, attempted or actual conduct of a person(s) against a worker – singular or repetitive and unwelcome in nature, in the context of his or her employment – that causes or is likely to cause harm to the worker’s physical or psychological well-being or dignity. It includes any threatening behavior which gives the worker reasonable cause to believe that he or she are at risk”. AHS Community Sector WPV-Working Group Definition
Focus on Workplace Response to Family Violence
1. Increased Representation on the Project Team | Including, but not limited to, OH&S and HR representation from agencies and businesses |
2. Updating Resource/Research Package | Including:
3. FV in the Workplace Protocol |
4. Community Collaboration |
5. Workplace Protocols | Launch of FV in the Workplace Protocol Implementation of FV in the Workplace Protocol Hosting a Lunch and LearnFocus Agencies: EAP/Occupational Health and Safety, CSS, YMCA, AHS, City of Edmonton, Businesses, Sheppelle FGI