Seniors Protection Partnership

The Seniors Protection Partnership is a collaboration of the Edmonton Police Service, the City of Edmonton, Catholic Social Services, Covenant Health, and Sage (Seniors Association of Greater Edmonton). Our mission is to prevent and respond to elder abuse by working in partnership with the community, thereby enhancing the well being of older adults.

Elder abuse is any action or inaction by self or others that jeopardizes the health or well-being of an older adult. This includes physical, emotional, psychological, financial, sexual or medication abuse, as well as passive or active neglect.

Physical Abuse

Physical abuse includes any kind of physical assault, such as slapping, pushing, kicking, punching, or injuring with an object or weapon. It also includes deliberate exposure to severe weather, inappropriate use of medication and unnecessary physical restraint.

Sexual Abuse

Sexual abuse includes any forced sexual activity.

Psychological Abuse

Psychological abuse includes humiliation, isolation, intimidation, threats, and inappropriate control of activities. Removal of decision making power when the elderly person is still competent to make his/her own decision is also considered to be psychological abuse.

Financial Abuse

Financial Abuse includes the misuse of the elderly person’s funds or property through fraud, trickery or force.

Medication Abuse

This is the misuse of an older person’s medications and prescriptions on purpose or by accident. It may include withholding medication, over-medicating or not complying with prescriptions refills.


Neglect is any lack of action required to meet the needs of an elderly person. It includes an inadequate provision of food, clothing, shelter, required medication or other kinds of health and personal care, as well as social companionship.

Passive Neglect is the unintentional failure to fulfill a caretaking obligation; infliction of distress without conscious or willful intent; etc.

Active Neglect is the intentional failure to fulfill caregiving obligations; infliction of physical or emotional stress or injury; abandonment; denial of food, medication, personal hygiene; etc.