Membership Benefits
Getting the most out of your membership:
Become a Member
Keep your membership up to date
(renews annually).
Sign up for the newsletter
Read and share it with others in your agency.
Contribute content
Your agency’s events, new resources, trainings, workshops, job postings, and funding opportunities throughout the Province (broadly related to family violence).
Access free or discounted trainings, workshops, and courses

Register for training, participate, provide feedback and ideas for future sessions, and share your expertise by leading training opportunities!

Attend the members’ meetings, invite colleagues to attend, discuss sector issues and trends, and provide feedback and suggestions for topics.

Share your ideas for system level advocacy with the Council of Service Providers

Build connections, network with other members, talk about your program(s) and what you do and how can we help each other out. Collaborate on unique ways to fill in gaps and respond to client needs.