Our Vision, Mission, and History


The city of Edmonton and area has a collaborative, coordinated, community response to family violence in which individuals and families are able to live free of violence.


Through innovative strategies, CIAFV supports the creation of a collaborative, coordinated, diverse, community response to family violence, strengthening our community’s capacity to take constructive action against family violence.


On May 26, 1999, a group of professionals met at the invitation of the Safer Cities Advisory Committee of Edmonton. 63 community representatives gathered to discuss issues of concern with regard to family violence in Edmonton. At the conclusion of that meeting, five working groups were formed to address areas of Coordination, Protocols, Funding, Preventative Strategies, and Public Education. In 2007 CIAFV restructured and the previous Protocols Coordinator became the CIAFV Coordinator to oversee CIAFV and a Leadership Team was formed to provide an operations and management structure to the initiative. In 2010, the CIAFV network included 98 nonprofit agencies and government departments. In 2011, CIAFV once again has restructured to become viable in an environment of fiscal restraint by instituting a membership fee and protocol and linking protocol development on a fee for service basis.

The Protocols Working Group of CIAFV started the Protocols Project in 2001. The Protocols Coordinator has been responsible for family violence protocol and linking protocol development in Edmonton and area. CIAFV has assisted 62 Edmonton and area agencies to develop family violence protocols to better respond to clients experiencing family violence. CIAFV has trained over 2600 professionals in family violence and family violence related topics since 2001. Over 400 professionals attend CIAFV events annually.

CIAFV has assisted in the development of 5 Linking Protocols in Edmonton:

– Intimate Partner Treatment Services
– Victims Serving Agencies in the Criminal/Civil Justice System
– Partner Check
– YWCA Edmonton/enCompass Community Safety Agency
– St. Albert Seniors Abuse Protocol

From January 2009 – July 2010, members of the CIAFV network have contributed over 2000 hours to the work of CIAFV through Project Teams, Linking Protocols and monthly meetings.